Trunk or Treat
Join us Sunday October 27 from 1 pm to 3 pm at St. Luke's Parking Lot for a safe afternoon of Halloween fun.
Bring all your little ghosties, goblins, and superheroes!
Bring all your little ghosties, goblins, and superheroes!
We are looking for volunteers to sign up for our Trunk or Treat!!
Come decorate your car and hand out candy to all the superheroes, ghosts and goblins.
A sign up sheet will be posted in the Nave, you can also email Christy K. or the Office.
Don’t want to hand out candy or decorate a car? NO PROBLEM!
We can’t wait to have a great spooktacular St. Luke’s Halloween with everyone’s help!
Come decorate your car and hand out candy to all the superheroes, ghosts and goblins.
A sign up sheet will be posted in the Nave, you can also email Christy K. or the Office.
Don’t want to hand out candy or decorate a car? NO PROBLEM!
- You can always donate candy or small trinkets to be handed out.
- OR volunteer to run a game.
We can’t wait to have a great spooktacular St. Luke’s Halloween with everyone’s help!
Our Zoom Meeting is now password protected. The eNews email included a link to the Zoom meeting with instructions on connecting including the password. You can just click the Join Zoom Meeting link listed in the email. It automatically enters the password for you. Then it should give you the option to either run Zoom in your browser of to download the Zoom app to your PC. When you connect to the meeting you will be give the option to connect with internet audio and video or to dial in. Most of you should be able to use internet audio and video. Please try to connect to the meeting 5-10 minutes before the start so we can confirm you have a good connection. If you are unable to use the internet audio, you can dial in on the phone lines listed in the email. They are toll lines, but if you have a cell phone with free long distance, there should be no toll charges to you. For dial it will ask you the meeting ID and password listed in the email.